Our Journey through the dust and rubble

Back to work

It has been way too long since our last post. We have been so busy over the summer, but the main thing holding up the work on our house was working on other houses. This summer Josh helped remodel his dad's rental. We have got some framing done on the main floor and all of the new windows in.

A couple weekends ago, on a spur of the moment decision, we started cleaning up our yard. We have hated all of the shrubs and overgrowth in our yard, but unfortunately we usually don't have the time to invest in the outside of our house when we don't even have a complete house to live in. We aren't sure if the yard looks any better now then it did before we started, but it definitely looks cleaner and more open. We are going to wait until spring time before we replant some grass.

Our house with the front fence and all the shrubs gone

This is how we spent most of our day. I got to run the backhoe while Josh did all of the hard work.
Our yard was a jungle

Pulled the half dead Hawthorne tree right out of the ground

This was the worst bush ever. It was half dead and took up most of our side yard. Also, cats like to hide under it and have kittens there.

Josh is downstairs framing right now so hopefully before long we will be working on electrical on the main floor.

1 Responses to “Back to work”

  1. # Blogger Jason and Sue

    I'm glad we decided to check up on your website, the yard looks great!  

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