Our Journey through the dust and rubble

Springtime means Yard Work

Last weekend we spent all day Saturday working in the yard. On Friday afternoon we decided that one of our big trees in the back needed trimming so Saturday morning we set out to see what we could do.
The main purpose of wanting to trim our tree was because the branches that were hanging over our car were getting lower and lower as the months past. But as a result the back yard looks nice and clean. Unfortunately there has not been any work done in our yard for many years so this is the first of many adventures.

Josh loving all of the equipment he got to use

Dave testing out the chain saw

Our big mess

More mess to clean up

We do not having any pictures of the end result and I cannot go take pictures because it is currently snowing. YUCK! I am so ready for it to be warm. The forecast this weekend call for more snow, I guess the only good thing about that is maybe we will get more work done inside.

1 Responses to “Springtime means Yard Work”

  1. # Blogger Jason and Sue

    I had forgotten how big that tree was...it's huge! I agree that summer is taking way too long to get here!  

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